Guide Myanmar

Safety in Myanmar

Your travel expert

Safety in Myanmar is no more of a concern than elsewhere in Asia. The Burmese are gentle people and are extremely welcoming and kind to tourists. Obviously, with the economic opening of the country, it is likely that petty crime will develop as it may exist in other countries of the region. Nevertheless, it is enough to respect typical common-sense rules in order to avoid problems when you travel to Myanmar (e.g. change your money in official exchange offices, you don't leave your bag or camera lying around, etc).


The political situation remains unpredictable in this rapidly changing country, it is therefore advised to stay away from all demonstrations to ensure your safety in Myanmar. It is also recommended to avoid embarrassing the Burmese by asking them too many questions about the political situation in their country.

For nearly 50 years, Myanmar has been a poor state cut off from the world, the seat of one of the fiercest military dictatorships on the planet. In 2011, the Burmese junta dissolved itself in order to change the nature of the regime, but the opening still remains more economic than political today. Ethnic minority groups such as the Karen and Kachin are still in guerilla warfare against the authorities, but there is no civil war in Myanmar as such. Overall, safety in Myanmar is not an issue and many travellers complete their holiday in Myanmar without any problems.


Before travelling to Myanmar, we recommend you to visit the Travel Advice page of the relevant Ministry of Foreign Affairs devoted to Myanmar. You will be informed of possible political unrest and other issues with safety in Myanmaras well as regions not recommended for tourists due to bad weather conditions or conflicts. For example, Rakhine State, with the exception of the tourist-friendly Ngapali beaches, may not be recommended for travellers due to the violence between members of the Rakhine Buddhist ethnic group and Rohingya Muslims (a stateless and persecuted Muslim minority).


If you have any further concerns about safety in Myanmar, don’t hesitate to contact your Shanti Travel Expert who will gladly share his/her experiences as a local in Myanmar.

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